Christmas without you- Annette

2007 December 25

Created by Annette 16 years ago
Today was eaiser than I though, however, it was because we had so many place to go and so much to do. We stayed busy, trying to keep our minds occupied. That s=does not mean that we forgot you, you were with us all day in our hearts. It was a bitter sweet day. The boys got more presents than they had ever seen in their life and were thrilled with what thay got. Then again, you were not here to put their bikes together, hook up their video games and play with them. They missed this time with you so much. We went to your parents for breakfast, just as I know you would have wanted us to continue to do, then we went to my Moms and then my Dads, we had plenty to eat and alot of leftovers to bring home to. I didn't think we would ever get through this day, but we managed somehow, I'm just glad it's over. Now getting through the rest of my life is the hardest challenge to come. I miss you so much and love you always. I have to go to bed now, I have to go back to work in the morning. (that's hard too, going to bed alone every night. That's when I miss you the most.
