Still MissingYou

2007 December 03

Created by Annette 16 years ago
The Boy's and I still miss you so much, I guess we always will, that's just a fact we are going to have to learn to live with, it's just so hard thinking that you wont be here for Jordan's birthday or Christmas. It's going to be really hard on us all. But you will still be here in our thoughts, hearts and in spirt we know that. You would be so proud of the boys, we all got saved at church this past week-end. They are doing better, but still have times when it hits them really hard. Especially when they see a father and son doing something together, they really miss you being at thier ball games, I can see it in their eyes, looking for you when they make a play, to see if you were watching, but they search the crowd and don't see your face, their head drops and I shed a tear for them knowing their always going to be searching for you. I try to encourage them by letting them know that you are watching and are still very proud of them, they say they know this, but it's not the same as being able to see you smile and hear you cheer as they play. We love and miss you and wish you were here with us. Love Always and forever Annette