Happy Aniversary Honey

2009 August 09

Created by Annette 14 years ago
Today would have been our 19th wedding aniversary. It has been a very long and dloomy day, I have noy even left the house, I just keep staring at our wedding picture, remembering. Then thinking how fast time has flown by with out you. I still can't bring my self to get on with my life, Happy Aniversary Honey, I love and miss you so much....... all I do is work come home, go to bed repeat over and over, I feel like a robot just going through the motions. The boys are getting harder to handle and about to push me over the edge, But I know they are my respocibility so I do what I have to do. They need a man in their lives I know , but I just can't bring myself to go there again yet, I still feel like it would be a beytrayal to you. And I jut don't have the desire to have anyone in my life, I want you back!!!!!